Anthologies of Awesome

Dogs, lesbians, and children generally like me


with 4 comments

A while back, I installed Statcounter on this blog. I mean a long while back. It was almost a year ago.

The reason was that I thought I was being stalked. Which, as it turned out, was absolutely true. So, keeping in mind that blogging is almost entirely about ego, I began checking daily to see if I was still being stalked. I was, and it was great. I know if I was some hundred pound chick blogger, I may have been worried, but trust me, anyone who blog stalks could not take me in a knife fight.

So I studiously made sure that I was not forgotten by the creepy person for months. At some point, I did get bored of the whole deal. There are plenty of psychopaths attracted to me in bars, the internet attention was superfluous. I didn’t check the counter for six months or so. But I did just now. And I have concerns.

There are a lot of discrete IPs from my town making regular appearances. This is worrisome as I generally try to be as anonymous as possible. It took me years to even use my real first name on a website, and I do not ever give out my last name. It’s fairly uncommon and easily recognizable. But I have what amounts to fans in this town. I haven’t been as careful as I used to be using location names in my writing. So, I’m sure google queries led a few locals here.

Another conerc is the fact that some ex-girlfriends know about this site, and judging by the IP locations, visit fairly often. I don’t have too many exes since I try to keep my intimate relationships one night or less, but there are a couple. Most are harmless, but I worry that I may have let slip something they would be offended at. Or that they may read a horribly constructed sentence like that last one.

Now the biggest concern is this: repeated views from a “Colorado State Government” terminal location. That bothers me a lot. I know I am paranoid, but is it ever good to have someone repeatedly visit from the deep sweltering crotch of The Man?

So, for me and my curiosity, do this:

  • If you read this from The Town Which Shall Not Be Named Ever Again (my home), leave a comment anonymously and let me know how you got here.
  • If you are an ex-girlfriend, do the same, just keep it clean. Or not.
  • If you are The Man know that I seek every day your destruction through less than legal means.

Written by Casey

March 30, 2009 at 8:52 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

4 Responses

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  1. Not me buddy. My IP is gonna turn up in Australia every time!


    April 2, 2009 at 1:03 am

  2. I was gonna stalk ya, but fokes have told me they can smell me from a mile awayski.

    Joey Polanski

    April 4, 2009 at 10:13 am

  3. Yea, I completely understand not wanting to post your last name online. If my last name was Casey Smallcock, I wouldn’t post it either.

    Atlas Cerise

    April 4, 2009 at 4:02 pm

  4. Anaglyph: Well, you would be a pretty unexciting, though thoroughly disturbing, stalker. Besides, I know which proxy Glitch uses.

    JP: Holy shit, back from the dead. Or you have been dead a while. That explains the smell.

    AC: Hey man, don’t spread that shit around.


    April 5, 2009 at 1:09 am

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